Club terms

Our club terms and Code of Conduct can be viewed below:

By joining Nairn Kayak Club you give your permission for the club to share your membership information, including name, address, date of birth and email address, with the Scottish Canoe Association, for the purposes of registering you as a club associate member.

By joining Nairn Kayak Club, you agree to abide by the below code of condunct:

Nairn Kayak Club Code of Conduct

It is the policy of Nairn Kayak Club that all paddlers, volunteers, coaches and parents show respect and understanding for each other and conduct themselves in a way that reflects the principles of the Club. The aim is for all paddlers to improve performance, gain confidence and have fun. The following is a non-exhaustive guide to expected behaviour and attitude.


  • Take care of all property belonging to the club or club members. Return borrowed equipment promptly and report any damage immediately to a club official.
  • Treat other club members with respect at all times — on and off the water — treat other paddlers as you would want to be treated yourself.
  • Control tempers and avoid behaviour which may affect or upset others.
  • Co-operate and listen to your coach or club officials.
  • Respect the natural landscape and other users of the landscape, do not litter, pollute or otherwise cause damage.
  • Adhere to Scottish Canoe Association guidance when encountering wildlife: do not deliberately worry or disturb wild animals.

Club officials, coaches and volunteers

  • Coaches / leaders are expected to turn up in good time to start a planned session.
  • Consider the wellbeing and safety of paddlers before the development of performance.
  • Develop an appropriate working relationship with club members, based on mutual trust and respect.
  • Make sure all activities are appropriately risk assessed.
  • Display consistently high standards of behaviour and appearance.
  • Follow Scottish Canoe Association and club guidelines and policies.
  • Hold the appropriate, updated qualifications and insurance.
  • Encourage paddlers to value their performance and not just results.
  • Never condone the use of prohibited substances.


  • Help your child to recognise good performance, not just results.
  • Never force your child to take part in sport.
  • Never punish or belittle a child for losing or making mistakes.
  • Publicly accept officials’ judgements.
  • Support your child’s involvement and help them to enjoy the sport.
  • Always use kind and proper language.
  • Set a good example by applauding good performances of all paddlers.

Junior Code of Conduct

All junior members are asked to abide by the following rules at all times:

  • Co-operate fully, respecting all requests and decisions made by the coaches, helpers, officials and administrators.
  • Be on time for training sessions and events or inform your coach if you are going to be late.
  • Control your temper and avoid behaviour which may affect or upset others.
  • Be considerate and respectful to other paddlers and water users - treat others as you would want to be treated.
  • Wear suitable kit for paddling as agreed with your coach.
  • Take care of all property belonging to the club or any club member – and be responsible for caring for your own equipment and clothing.
  • Do not leave sessions without the permission of the coach or leader. Junior members are not allowed to smoke, consume alcohol or drugs of any kind whilst on club premises or representing the club at events.

Nairn Kayak Club promotes the safe enjoyment of paddle sport in our wonderful natural environment.

Nairn Kayak Club is run by volunteers with no paid members of staff. The Club is welcoming of any offers of help in supporting club activities or development of the Club. Please contact a committee member for more information on getting involved.

Club Sessions

Nairn Kayak Club is supportive of paddlers of all abilities. This means that not all sessions will be suitable for less experienced paddlers, to ensure that those with more experience are also offered the opportunity for support in improving and gaining skills.

The club operates a number of different activities.

Beginners’ courses will operate with a mixture of qualified coaches and experienced leaders operating under club and SCA frameworks and risk assessments. Numbers of participants are capped to ensure safety and a quality coaching and mentoring experience for all. Anyone new to paddling should complete this, or other appropriate course, before attending any other club paddling sessions.

Coached / Led sessions, such as on the river or the sea, will operate with a qualified coach, or other experienced paddler who has met the requirements of being a recognised club leader, outlined in SCA / BCU documentation. These sessions will operate according to club risk assessment frameworks, and the coach / leader will undertake a risk assessment of the conditions at the time of the session. Those attending and performing in accordance with the coach / leader’s instructions, will be covered under the club’s SCA liability insurance. As above, some less experienced paddlers may not be able to participate in all sessions, and wherever possible, guidance will be given in advance on the clubs Facebook page.

Peer paddles may operate where there is no qualified coach or other recognised club leader available to lead a session. These sessions will not be covered by club SCA liability insurance and anyone undertaking peer paddles is strongly encouraged to have their own SCA membership in order to avail of individual liability insurance. Peer paddlers should be of similar ability, and be capable of undertaking their own risk assessment as to the conditions, and suitability according to their own / their peers paddling ability. Individuals are responsible for their own safety. Paddlers and peers should always stay together on the water. All standard safety equipment should be carried, including a good quality buoyancy aid. As a minimum, a mobile phone in a water proof pouch should be carried in order to raise alarm if needed.