Tirsdag til fredag i uge 42 får OIK besøg af Francois Landreville. Francois arbejder med teknisk træning og har arbejdet med NHL hold. Han siger selv:
My philosophy:
Development of individual skills first! Kids have to learn in a fun and unstressfull environment. No stress or pressure of performance.
What I am looking at as far as work ethic, learning to understand the game and what do they do when no one is watching.
We will do the following
- balance (plyometrics on ice)
- edges
- backward skating
- tight turns
- crossovers
- pivots
- explosion (quick starts)
- stickhandling
- passing
- shooting.(forehand, backhand, snapshots, wrist shots, quick release)
This will be fun and cannot wait yo be in beautiful Denmark
Francois Landreville
4 dage med camp om formiddagen og besøg af Francois om aftenen på træningerne.
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