I den forgangne weekend var DRU repræsenteret ved 2 IRB/FIRA-AER kurser i Europa. Dommeransvarlig, Michael Kristensen, var i Amsterdam på niveau 3 dommer akkrediteringskursus (1. del), mens U18 landstræner, Steven Atkins, var i Bukarest på niveau 2 Strength & Conditioning kursus.
Begge har haft nogle travle og spændende dage – læs her mere fra dem.
Michael Kristensen
Mit kursus i Amsterdam var et IRB niveau 3 dommerkursus med fokus på kampplanlægning, fitness test (som jeg i øvrigt vandt :-) ) kost, kampforståelse, etisk opførsel, højt niveau linjevogter, de nye klyngekald, analyse af ens dommerpræstationer og rigtig positionering på banen. Vi var 13 dommere fra de fleste rugbyudviklingslande i Europa. Et godt 3 dages intens kursus som jeg fik rigtig meget ud af og som slutter med endnu en weekend i Paris i marts 2014. Jeg fik mødt både nye og erfarende dommere som jeg lærte en del af og fik tilbudt at dømme i en såkaldt cross-border ungdomsturnering i september i Litauen mellem Rusland, Rumænien, Ukraine og Litauen - som jeg selvfølgelig takkede ja til.
Steven Atkins
This past weekend I was lucky enough to participate in IRB s Strength and Conditioning Course Level 2, which has a requirement of a Level 1 Strength and Conditioning pass. This is available on IRB s rugby passport web site and open for everyone to complete if desired.
The course was over 5 days with the aim to insure that there is a standard protocol in all aspects of Strength and Conditioning coaching and assessment, with participants from all over Europe, with the majority of participants being involved with there respected National teams.
The standard of the Educators delivering the course were of a high quality coming from different backgrounds and cultures providing us on the course with a lot of extra knowledge and ideas we can take with us.
The course it self is very hands on with a learn-by-doing approach which is very ideal when you have a class speaking about 6-7 different languages.
Personally the fantastic thing about anything rugby though, is the rugby community itself.
The fact that I come away from the weekend meeting 30 new wonderful people and a handful of new friends I can correspond with in the future on the subject of Strength and Conditioning with rugby in mind has opened a lot of doors.
I feel grateful of having the opportunity of being part of such a great week and look forward to sharing my knowledge, and experience with a hands on approach in the future in Denmark.